Canterbury, we are experiencing a climate emergency

It's time, Canterbury | Te Hapū o Ngāti Wheke
The area around Rāpaki Marae, nestled in the beautiful Whakaraupō/Lyttelton Harbour, was once known for its great abundance of kaimoana. Climate change, pollution and deforestation have put that at risk, but a massive amount of community mahi is helping to turn the tide.
Te Hapū o Ngāti Wheke told us their story of how climate change has impacted mahinga kai around Rāpaki, and how the community is working together to restore their local environment.
Climate change is already impacting our local ecosystems and communities
Future projections for Waitaha/Canterbury show worse storms, floods and droughts happening more often, sea levels continuing to rise, and changes in the diversity of plants and animals in our region.
Here is what you need to know about what’s likely to happen in Waitaha/Canterbury’s future.
Preparedness in the face of extreme weather events
19 April 2023
2023 has gotten underway with several extreme weather incidents in New Zealand’s North Island. These events were made worse by climate change, and have brought destruction to communities.
To help people in our region think about their preparedness, we spoke to the team at Civil Defence and Emergency Management (CDEM) Canterbury, who recently assisted with the Auckland and Hawke’s Bay emergency responses.

No matter where you live or what you do, climate change affects us all
Explore the links here for reliable information and resources about the effects of climate change on Waitaha/Canterbury to help you understand, prepare, manage and adapt to its impacts.